Spooky Spouses
A Podcast About Ghosts n' Stuff • Hosted by Lindsey and Jordan Reed 👻
4 years ago

Episode 139 - This episode is legitimately scary

Dear, Everybody. Hey...straight up...Lindsey brings the heat in this episode. And by heat we mean, like, a legitimately horrifying story. Really not many jokes in this part of the show notes today...just us letting you know that you're in for a spooky treat...and to also maybe "diaper up"?

Other topics in Episode 139 include nighttime vas daytime creatures, zippy foods, the Monoliths everybody has been talking about but only for 2 seconds, "help me. i need time travel", fashioable and reflective aliens in Oregon, The Zombie Shuffle, working the night shift, gorillas collecting and trading knives, a ghost that fights trucks, always peeing your pants at 3am, and some VERY good acting. Join us, won't you?

~ sTuFf We TaLkEd AbOuT dUrInG tHiS ePiSoDe ~

Lindsey's super cool new website, Kelp Rabbit!

~ tHe SwAgGiEsT dRiP oN hUmAn EaRtH ~

Spooky Spouses Drip - We have some cool new merch that Lindsey designed! A fun mug for your Autumnal Liquids, a tote bag for your candy, and some new vintage Haunted Hotline wearables., You can check out the new merch on spooky website!

Native Language - Head to www.nativelanguageclothing.com and use the promo code 'spookyspouses' for 30% off your order of some of the coolest, drippiest, most fashion-forward lounge-wear available! We love it!

~ HaUnTeD hOtLiNe ~

Do you have any questions regarding the paranormal, personal experiences with a talking possum, time travel, are warlocks good at card tricks, or literally anything at all? If so, call/text our Spooky Hotline: 803-816-2667 (BOOS) We'll use your voicemail/text on our show. It'll go straight to voicemail, so, no worries, there will never be any weird phone conversations. We promise!

~ cOoL iNtErNeT wEbSiTeS ~

Shareable show link: www.plnk.to/SpookySpouses

Check out our fancy new website: www.spookyspousescast.com

Scavengers Network Patreon: www.patreon.com/thescavengersnetwork

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCyKZcCNYyEi8e3ijjuQjXPw

Instagram and Twitter: @Spooky_Spouses

Email: [email protected]

Thanks for listening, Friends!

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