Spooky Spouses
A Podcast About Ghosts n' Stuff • Hosted by Lindsey and Jordan Reed 👻
4 years ago

Episode 143 - Am I real? and Demonic Little Sister

Do you often have trouble making those super high-tech, automatic sinks turn on when you put your hands underneath? What about automatic hand sanitizing stations?! Even automatic doors?! If that's the case, maybe you don't fully exist in this dimension....isn't that weeiiirrrdddd?

Topics in Episode 143 include scary sleepover stories, we get attacked by a spider IRL, a nude man that lives on top of our house and in our walls, Lindsey is 2% cobra, having extremely small hands, the creepy light in the field behind our house, running with raw meat, M. Night Shyamalan, and people veggies. Join us, won't you?

~ tHe SpOoKiEsT dRiP oN hUmAn EaRtH ~

Spooky Spouses Drip - We have some cool new merch that Lindsey designed! A fun mug for your Autumnal Liquids, a tote bag for your candy, and some new vintage Haunted Hotline wearables. You can check out the new merch on our Spooooooky Website.

Kelp Rabbit - Lindsey's super cool new website, Kelp Rabbit!

~ HaUnTeD hOtLiNe ~

Do you have any questions regarding the paranormal, personal experiences with a talking possum, time travel, are warlocks good at card tricks, or literally anything at all? If so, call/text our Spooky Hotline: 803-816-2667 (BOOS) We'll use your voicemail/text on our show. It'll go straight to voicemail, so, no worries, there will never be any weird phone conversations. We promise!

~ cOoL iNtErNeT wEbSiTeS ~

Shareable show link: www.plnk.to/SpookySpouses

Check out our fancy new website: www.spookyspousescast.com

Scavengers Network Patreon: www.patreon.com/thescavengersnetwork

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCyKZcCNYyEi8e3ijjuQjXPw

Instagram and Twitter: @Spooky_Spouses

Email: [email protected]

Thanks for being weird with us!

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